Its another day but still the same old shit. Being a man or as I must say A Family Man is very difficult these days becuase of all the obstacles that's in his path, such as woman, greed, jelousy & last but not lease is gutter rats or a better name for it is SNITCHES. See when a Man has a Family he's going to do his best to take care of them by any means necessary. While taking care of a family of course other things are going to be needed, such as A Home, Car, Clothes, & Most important is MONEY. No matter what it is that you are going to get, give,or pay you are going to need MONEY period. Now it seems to me that once you have accomplished & have all the things needed to take care of yourself & your family, here comes GUTTER RAT, better known to some as the SNITCH. Gutter Rat has come only for one thing & that is to Conquer, Destroy, Brake up, or come in between something or somebody doing good, o that's taking care of there family. So what I have learned from being involved with GUTTER RAT is to be able to know him & everthing about him so I can keep Myself & My family Far Far away from him. So what I am saying to you, the reader is to know who your Wife, Kids, Mother, Father & Most important YOU start chatting, talking or even keeping in your company cause he might just be the one I'm talkin bout GUTTER RAT "THE SNITCH". Yea Hommie Im tellin you to stop destroying lives, STOP SNITCHIN. In the end Hommie you gone be the one paying the price. GUTTER RATS BELONG WHERE??????? OH IN THE SEWER...

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